Use of these forms requires flmsg version 2.0 or higher. The latest version of flmsg is available directly from the developer W1HKJ at For Windows, choose the flmsg-4.X.XX_setup.exe file, where X.XX is the current version number. Note that beginning with V4.0.0, there is a default interface designed for supported agency personnell to be able to do data entry to custom forms such as RReqv1.1.0 and RDA201a. Flmsg still has the full capabilities to use built-in ICS forms, plain text forms, etc. They are enabled by clicking Tools, Expert Dialog. When you do that, the familiar flmsg screen will pop up and all the functionality will be available. If you wish to make full functionality the default for your installation, click Config, User interface, User Interface = expert. From that point on, experet mode is the default. If you want the agency view to be the default in the future, simply go through the steps from Config and uncheck User Interface = expert.
Ignore the big green Start Download buttons; those are for un-needed programs.
Note that these forms are HTML only, there is no embedded javascript nor is there any requirement for any additional programs to be installed to use the forms. I have tested them with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome with no issues. They should work with other browsers as well.
Clicking a link below will display the form. From Internet Explorer, click File Save As and store the form(s) in your NBEMS.files/CUSTOM folder. From Google Chrome or Firefox, use <cntrl>S to save the file.
IMPORTANT - Internet Explorer has a tendency to add a .htm extension to the saved file. If useing IE, please make sure the files are saved as .html, otherwise the receiving station may not properly display the form because it is not a known form on the receiving station's system.
Current Version:
RReqv1.1.0.html Missouri Resource Request Form; has the minimum form fields to collect the data needed for an agency to submit a request to Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA).
RDA201a.html Rapid Dammage Assessment Form; form used by St. Charles County Missouri Division of Emergency Management
Using the SEMA Resource Request Data Input Form:
Using RReqv1.1.0 requires Adobe Acrobat Reader available here: Get Adobe Reader
Guide to Inputting Data to the RReqv1.1.0 flmsg form provides step by step guidance on filling out the form so that the data can be saved and passed along to a ham for transmission by radio.
Transportable fldigi/flmsg for Windows 7/8.1/10 pdf showing how to create a USB stick version of the programs for use with multiple computers.
Transportable FLDIGI
12/10/2016 W0KAH