Kenwood TM-V71A Cross Band Repeater Setup

Set Band A (left) to a VHF frequency
Set Band B (right) to a UHF frequency
Set CTCSS, DCS or DTCS on
Set UHF low power
Go to menu 403 and select RPTMOD CROSS
Go to menu 404 and verify RTPHLD is OFF
Go to menu 405 and if callsign is not shown, enter callsign
Go to menu 406 and Set IDTX MORSE
Note menus 403, 404, 405 and 406 are one-time setups
Escape to get out of all menus back to normal display
Press Power Off
Press Tone and hold, then power ON and you’re in Cross Band Repeat!
*Note that the V71A has a fixed time out of 3 minutes when in this mode!*
*So, if the repeater you are listening to does not completely drop between*
*transmissions, your radio will time out and stop transmitting at 3 minutes.*

Press Power Off
Press Tone and hold, then power ON
CBR is now off

The radio will CW ID using the callsign from menu 405 on both bands at 10 minute intervals

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