Kenwood TM-D710A Cross Band Repeater Setup
Ensure TNC is OFF
Set Band A (left) to a VHF frequency
Set Band B (right) to a UHF frequency
Set UHF low power
Go to REPEATER Menu and select
Go to Menu 403 and select CROSS BAND, then BACK
Go to menu 404 and verify TX Hold is OFF, then BACK
Go to menu 405 and if callsign is not shown, enter callsign, then BACK
Go to menu 406 and Set REPEATER ID TX ON, then BACK
Note menus 403, 404, 405 and 406 are one-time setups
Escape to get out of all menus back to normal display
PM’s are great, however if you use them, you must save the cross-band repeat setup in a PM or when you power off then on to start cross-band repeat, it won’t work, you’ll still be in normal mode. Or turn PM off.
Press Power Off
Press Tone and hold, then power ON and you’re in Cross-Band Repeat!
*Note that the D-710A has a fixed time out of 3 minutes when in this mode!*
*So, if the repeater you are listening to does not completely drop between*
*transmissions, your radio will time out and stop transmitting at 3 minutes.*
Press Power Off
Press Tone and hold, then power ON
CBR is now off
The radio will CW ID using the callsign from menu 405 on both bands at 10 minute intervals